Kenya ministry trip — May 1-10

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 1.24.11 AMWe leave today on a mission trip to Kenya.
The main purpose is a retreat to provide marriage enrichment and a time of spiritual/personal renewal for our native pastors in Africa and their spouses. Even if a marriage is relatively healthy, the work of the ministry puts serious strain on marital relationships. For example: increased ministry and fruitfulness leads to more “busy-ness;”; and spreading the Gospel among unreached and unevangelized peoples draws the attacks of the devil and increased spiritual warfare.

While Christian leaders in the West often have the opportunity and resources to get away, get rest, and receive counseling, key leaders in other lands do not have the ability or resources to do so. Please pray that this ministry week provides a significant impact on the lives and ministries of our dear brothers and sisters in Christ on the African continent. We will also have further discussions with each Mission ONE partner about their missional business projects and the sustainability issues that impact their ministries and communities.

We are trusting the Lord to provide the finances to cover our expenses for the trip. ($2000 remaining)  And Mission ONE is trusting the Lord for financial partners to sponsor both this retreat and another in Ethiopia —transportation, lodging, food, conference facilities and other expenses for 30-35 couples from Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, and Togo, as well as the Mission ONE leaders from the USA. The total need was $25,000. Approximately $9000 has already been raised, so the remaining need is $16,000. Will you prayerfully consider a generous investment either for our expenses, or toward the retreat expenses to bless/strengthen these servants of God in Africa?

We deeply appreciate your prayers and support for us and for these retreats.

*May the spirit of the Lord cover every aspect of this trip and may God be glorified.


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